Problem Solving for Sales

sales leadership Feb 05, 2021

Problems in the workplace can cause you and your sales team to lose momentum, they can sap energy, consume whatever scarce time you have, damage careers, break the bank balance, rob you of excitement and so many other headaches. This article is intended to help you solve problems by giving a framework for effective problem solving. The framework is comprehensive and the process easy to follow, regardless of the circumstances you face.

Solving sticky, uncomfortable problems is often an unwelcome task but problem solving can be very rewarding and give you a great feeling of accomplishment having faced off against a tough issue within your team and come out a winner.

The Problem Solving Process: Six Steps to Better Outcomes

The process of problem solving starts with:

  1. The Story! Recognise what actually happened and why. This is followed by:

  2. The Temptations! To recognise the reality of human nature to succumb to irrational impulse rather than engage in rational problem solving. The next step is to ask:

  3. What Happened Here…? Here you identify the possible factors that led to the problem, many of which will not be obvious. It’s important to reflect on the array of possibilities to identify underlying motives. It’s vital to find the underlying causes to the problem rather than treating the obvious symptoms. We then look at:

  4. Options. This is where you consider the reasonable courses of action and through strategic questioning decide which option will be consistent with our intention to follow a high­‐integrity path and a win­‐win solution. Once you have the options, you need to detail:

  5. Possible Actions: during this stage you compile a step-­by-step outline of concrete actions aimed at solving the problem. While there can be many possible actions, you need to choose the actions that best blend with your personal style and situation. Once the actions have been taken, you need to analyse the:

  6. Lessons: in which we gain an understanding of the take-­away messages from the problem, what personal growth opportunities they presented for you and the team, steps to be taken to avoid repetition of the problem and a final opportunity for contemplation.

P.S. Whenever you’re ready ... here are ways I can help you switch on your sales: 

1. Grab a free copy of my Ultimate Sales Plan:

Download your FREE copy here: The Ultimate Sales Plan

2. Join my Switch On Your Sales group via Facebook or LinkedIn:

For Facebook click here: facebook.com/groups/switchonyoursales

For LinkedIn click here: linkedin.com/groups/10375322 

3. Apply for a complimentary Strategy Session with me here


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